Dear Agung,
Welcome to this page which I have set up for you. I have already told you that the Astrological Pattern that you will be living through very soon is completely unique in regards to your professional path, and the numerous planetary shifts will open remarkable career opportunities in front of you. Your Personal Career Reading which I am going to work on for you will deal with all the issues you may encounter in your working environment during this period, will allow you to reveal all the potential you have inside and will help you in the achievement of your professional goals.
Here is the detailed description of what your Personal Career Reading will include:
In this Reading I will analyze you personal characteristics, your mentality, your emotions and their influence on your professional life. I will determine your hidden innate abilities and your unique talents, which will allow you to understand how exactly you can stand out from the crowd and will help you to get the work you always wanted. I will work on the detailed astrological study of your natal chart in order to provide you with the information about:
- Your area of expertise
- Your inhibitions and strengths
- The challenges you face
- The possible sources of income
- Your drive and motivation to succeed
- Explain how creative you are
- Your skills and recreational activities
- Your objectives and goals
- You're unique talents and your career choices
- Key dates in the coming year
- What you should and should not be doing for your future
- The important timings
- Your activities and in which sector you should concentrate on
- Your sense of expansion and drive
- Your ability to give and receive
- Leading the way to your career path
In your Personal Career Reading you will find the answer to the questions, you have been asking yourself Agung:
- What makes you an expectable candidate from the rest?
- How does your personality reflect on your professional life?
- What are your personal Characteristics?
- What roles do your emotions play and what is your mentality like?
- How the planets play a vital role in your development?
- Your natural elements in relation to the Sun, Moon & Ruling planets
From your Personal Career Reading that I am going to prepare you will learn how to face different situations in your working environment; in particularly you will find out how to deal with your career progression, different personalities, conflicts and feedback from others. I will calculate for you the most important periods and dates that will be especially beneficial in terms of your professional growth and development and will help you to boost your career progression.